In the mess hall today…

11 Jul

Welcome back campers, today I’m going to try my hand as a food blogger and share a recipe with you. Like I said a few days ago, I’m a lazy cook, so I’m all about the easy stuff.

For those new to Mommyland, we are trying are hand at a vegetable garden this year (do a search here for Mommyland Farm), so far everything is going so well. We were able to pick our first cucumbers last night, so in celebration I want to share a super simple pickle recipe with you. I’ve been so excited to make my own pickles!

Simple Pickles:

What you will need:
1 Cup sugar
1 Cup water
1/4 Cup white vinegar
2 Cups cucumber, sliced

Bring sugar, vinegar and water to a boil. Pour over cucumbers, refrigerate in a covered container. The longer they sit, the better they taste.

There you have it, a super easy way to make your very own pickles. It’s so easy the kids could help.

I’m always looking for quick, easy recipes to make for my family, if you have any please feel free to send them my way.

If you want to see what the other campers have cooked up, click here.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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