Tag Archives: photo a day

Mommyland Happenings {Week 27}

11 Jul

Well that was a long break I took. Forgive me readers, it’s been 53 days since my last post. The funk has taken over and I just didn’t feel like sitting at my computer any longer than absolutely necessary, so after I’d finish my regular work I’d move on.

I’m hopeful that I can slowly work this blog back into my daily routine, that’s not to say you’ll see something new daily, but hopefully it will become a priority again.

I figured a good way to get back into it was with Mommyland Happenings. It’s a fun post for me to put together and I hope it’s a fun post for you to take a look at.

So without further adieu, here is what last week here in Mommyland looked like.



You know you’ve been having a great vacation when the kids fall asleep on the way to Ocean City.

We relaxed most of the day and made the trip into Ocean City in the late afternoon to catch dinner, some fun and the boardwalk. What is usually a 45 minute trip from our happy place on the bay took two hours with all the holiday traffic. That gave the boys plenty of time to rest up before their fun night out.



Ok full disclosure, this photo is not from the actual 4th of July, BUT it was from the 4th of July fireworks in Crisfield.

The weather was kind of crappy on Monday and we spent so much time relaxing that neither Bill or I took a single photo. Thankfully the weather cleared up enough for us to do hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and enjoy dinner with my sister and her family. After dinner the boys played (rough) while the adults chatted and before long it was time for bed.



Yet another example of a great vacation. When you have a three hour drive home, any time the kids spend sleeping and not fighting is sweet music to my ears.

We had a great time in Crisfield but it was nice to come home.



We came home and got to do some more celebrating! We celebrated Cooper being part of our family for a year on Wednesday. Here’s to many more years with my furry sidekick.

Don’t let the photo fool you, he loves hugs from mommy.



Back home and back to eating better. I had to be at work by 8:30 but I had to get office work finished before I left. I started my day with a blueberry and oatmeal smoothie, green tea and water. The smoothie kept me full and focused, the water kept me hydrated and the tea gave me the boost I needed to get ‘er done.



Sometimes I sit and watch the boys at karate and sometimes I go down the road to Victory and enjoy a beer. Friday was a beer kind of day.

After karate we grabbed a quick bite with our little ninjas.



Cooper has been with us for a year now and his relationship with Nittany has been less than positive. It’s been so bad that she’s pretty much banished herself to various remote parts of the house. Saturday was a big day here in Mommyland where she actually come out of hiding and into the open.

He nipped at her, she bitch slapped him and they went about coexisting in the family room. It is not an easy friendship, but it’s progress. I’m still hopeful that one day they will actually be good buddies and maybe Nittany can come sleep with us again.

Not a bad week at all. Having the holiday on Monday was a nice way to reenter into life after vacation.

I hope you have a fantastic week!


Mommyland Happenings {Volume 16}

27 Apr

At least the weather was nice this week. I haven’t been feeling very nice and I’m hoping that with the nice weather, my crappy attitude will change.

Better late than never, here is last week in Mommyland.



It was really nice out so while Bill did the mulching at home, I took the boys to the park to shoot some hoops. They had a blast and even saw a few friends from school.

Cooper came too but I wish I had left him home because he wanted to run and play and I wanted to sit and watch the boys.



I don’t get to see Bill at Hapkido often. Actually I think this was the first time I saw him on the mat. He enjoys it and it’s teaching him some valuable self protection skills. Isn’t he cute in his little gray dobok (that’s what they call the uniform)?

He’ll be kicking ass like Chuck Norris in no time!



So this happened right before I left for work. The shelf was pulling away from the wall, so before it crashed down on our expensive computer equipment it needed to come down. I just wasn’t expecting to have to do it a 8AM.

Thankfully the mess was cleaned up before I returned home.



I’ve been at it again with my essential oils. On Wednesday I made a craving busting inhaler (left) and some fabric freshener (right). Both work really well and were super easy.

Eventually I’ll share my favorite essential oil concoctions.



I had some errands to run on Thursday and as I was roaming the aisles of Homegoods I saw this and was laughing my ass off in the pet aisle. It’s a handsfree leash for runners. The photo looks like me and Cooper. Just thinking about Cooper “running” had me in hysterics. Why the hell would they use a Yorkie in the photo? Use a lab or a German Shepard.



Bill had me all over Delaware Friday shopping. Sounds fun right? Not when you’re dragging this around with you.

Hopefully after four weeks of this crap I’ll be out running again.



While we were out shopping Friday we bought the boys a basketball hoop. It was like Christmas when they got home and were surprised with it. They spent most of the day Saturday out there shooting around.

Bill has been out there playing with them too so it’s been a great memory maker for us. As soon as I have two feet again I’ll be out there having fun with my guys.

There you have it. I guess it was a pretty eventful week for us.

I hope you’re having a great week!

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