So Thankful it’s Thursday!

10 Dec

This week, to give back to the world around me, I went through my 3 year old. Cameron’s preschool has a “Sharing Tree”, where they collect gifts (hats, gloves, toys, crayons, etc) to be donated through the Salvation Army. Giving a gift to the Sharing Tree was completely optional, but I took the option, seeing it as a learning opportunity for Cameron. The idea was to give a gift that your child could relate to, so we did just that. Cameron has really taken a liking to a game called Matchin’ Middles, he apparently plays it all the time at school. I was very happy to have found it at Target, and thought it would be the perfect gift for Cameron to share.
I explained to Cameron that some kid’s Mommies and Daddies can’t afford to buy them gifts and it’s important for kids like him who have more than enough for Christmas share with others. I think he got it. I asked him to share the Matchin’ Middles game because it’s something he really enjoys, so I’m sure other kids would like it too. OK, I’ll admit, my somewhat self centered 3 year old needed a little bribing to give away to toy he doesn’t have to play at home. Of course I bought two when I was at Target, and he will get the other for Christmas, he just doesn’t really know it yet. I did tell him that if Santa didn’t bring it, Mommy would find one for him after Christmas. So in he went to school with his game to share, and he didn’t come out crying and he didn’t still have the game.

One day closer to the weekend and another week closer to Christmas, now that alone is a reason to be thankful. A few weeks ago I gave thanks for preschool. I am still very thankful for preschool, but more than that, I’m thankful for the life lessons he is learning there. Cameron has become more independent, more thoughtful, and believe it or not a little more disciplined.

We are only a few months into being potty trained, and up until he went to school he still needed “help” to get the job done. We were just happy that he wasn’t wetting his pants anymore, washing his hands when he was done was sometimes too much to expect. Now, he gets up and goes when he needs to, and he automatically washes his hands (with soap and water), and dries them when he’s done.

OK, Cameron is still a little rough with his little brother, but that has improved greatly in the past month. He’s getting much better at sharing with Logan, and taking turns with toys. Cameron seems to be listening a little better too, and when he doesn’t I threaten to call his teachers. When he hears that his teachers might hear that he wasn’t listening to Mommy and Daddy or didn’t eat his dinner he complies instantly. He couldn’t care less if he does something Mommy or Daddy don’t like, but to upset a teacher is just unimaginable.

Preschool has been a great addition to Cameron routine and has really helped him learn and grow in ways he couldn’t have done without it. He has made some great new friends and talks about them all the time. It really is great to see him so excited about learning. Hurray for preschool!!

Have a Thoughtful Thursday!

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