It’s amazing what 10 minutes can do for your day.

13 Jan

I’ve fallen off the workout wagon lately. I mean come on, how can I find the time to do any real working out with my two kiddos attached to me. Logan hates the babysitting at the gym so I can’t leave him there for any length of time. Bill leaves early for work so mornings alone at the gym are out. I’ve made up excuse after excuse for not working out. I even have a Wii and Wii Fit so I can at least do a little something everyday, and I still don’t. I try to justify it to myself that I spend my days cleaning my house and chasing my kids, so I really do get a workout in.

Last week I started something a little different. As soon as I get up in the morning I take ten minutes to exercise. I keep a resistance band next to my bed so there’s no excuses. In the past few days I’ve noticed that this itty bitty bit of time each morning really jump starts my day. I feel more alert and ready to get down to business.

My hope is that in time my ten minutes will grown to 15, then 20, and beyond. I figure I have a better chance of getting back on the workout wagon if I start small and work my way up then if I try to go right into a 30 minute workout. I can’t take credit for this idea, just another little something I picked up from

Are you having a hard time jumping on (or back on) the workout wagon? Can’t seem to find the time in your day? Give 10 minutes a try. If you can fit 10 minutes in a few times a day, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get 30 minutes in each day. It’s better to do a little something a few times a day than to do nothing at all. Hey, if I can do it, you can too!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

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