My Baby Blog

22 Sep


As far as blogs go, this one is tiny, smaller than small even. But I love it anyway. My Life In Mommyland has been a part of my life for more than five years and it’s become one of my babies.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this website for a while and I want to try and make it grow. I’m never going to be The Bloggess, but I want my stories to reach more than just a handful of people. It is my hope that I can inspire someone, make someone laugh or understand that they’re not alone in this wild and crazy world.

So how what am I going to do?

I’m going to share the love. How can I expect people to read this page if I don’t read other people’s blogs? My goal is to read at least one blog post a day and leave a comment. Maybe if I commit to reading what others have to say more people will want to come see what I have to say.

This one I’ve said before but always seem to have trouble with. I’m going to be more consistent. I want to get the momentum started and keep it going. Now that both of the boys are in school all day it should be a little easier for me to dedicate more time to writing.

Social media is a great way to get yourself out there so I’m going to be more engaging on Facebook, Twitter and yes, even Google+.

I feel like I have insightful things to say (sometimes) and maybe, just maybe someone could benefit from them.

Here’s where you come in. What would you like to see here in Mommyland?

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