Well Hello There

30 Jan

Hello There

Hi, my name is Mychal and this little blog here is about my life in what I so lovingly call Mommyland. For those who might not know me, I’m the mother of two crazy little boys who keep me on my toes on a daily basis. I am also the wife to probably one of the hardest working men I’ve ever encountered. For the past 36 years I’ve been the daughter to strict but loving parents and much to her disappointment all those years ago, I became the (much) younger sister to a woman I’ve spent a lot of time looking up to.

Along with my husband and two sons, I share my world on The Hill with a 17 pound orange tabby named Princess Nittany and a 10 pound Yorkie named Cooper.

Ah, The Hill. The Hill is the place where our house sits in beautiful southeastern Pennsylvania, where we’ve spent more than six years.

I’m a recovering shopaholic. I am hopelessly addicted to Starbucks lattes (skinny vanilla with light foam, please). I prefer SUVs to cars because I’m small so I like to ride in something large.

Back in the days before children I was fairly stylish. I used to be up on what was in fashion and my clothes came from higher end stores. Now much of my wardrobe comes from Target and Costco.

Oh Costco. How do I love thee, let me count the ways. I average about one trip a week to my beloved Costco.

I take a lot of selfies since without them I’m afraid there would be no photographic evidence that I even exist. While I’m talking about photographs, I take more photos of my dog than my kids mostly because he’s much more tolerant of being photographed than the boys are.

I am ferociously protective of my family. You fuck with them you fuck with me and I will not rest until I take your ass down.

I swear a lot. Like A LOT! It drives my parents crazy and it’s created a monster when it comes to the word choices my youngest makes. I’m trying to work on it but sometimes a carefully placed F word just gets the job done and the point across better than anything else.

I have follow through issues. I’m great at getting started but once I fall off the wagon of doing something I usually get run over and lose all momentum. This last part is the reason for this post, I’ve all but abandoned my blog and I miss it. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I’m going to work hard on sharing more with you here. I do enjoy telling you about my sometimes wild and crazy life, this blog has been a great outlet for me, so I’m hoping to give it yet another jumpstart.

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