Tag Archives: love

Our Bronze Anniversary

12 Feb

Mommyland It was eight years ago today that I married my best friend.

Eight years ago it was cloudy. It rained and snowed but at least it wasn’t bitter cold. Eight years ago today was a Saturday.

When I look at how much has changed in the past eight years I wonder how things can be so different in such a short period of time.

We’ve moved three times. We had a dog and lost a dog. There were two cats and now there is one. Three different golf courses and countless owners. Four or five cars. Our thirties have arrived and (for some of us) are nearly over.

But the most important part are the two little boys that were just a distant dream eight short years ago.

While I don’t remember what we did for most of our seven other anniversaries (I know, worst wife EVER), I will never forget the first one. I was six months pregnant, there was a major snow storm and we spent the evening in the plow truck.

I know some of you are nodding your head in recognition of that one.

I nearly lost my new cell phone in a snow drift and because the storm was so bad all the restaurants were closed. We ate our anniversary dinner of hoagies in the plow truck in the parking lot of Wawa.

When we finally did get home we broke out the top tier of wedding cake that had spent the past year in our freezer and cut a few slices.

I do NOT recommend doing that to ANYONE. I still gag whenever I think about it.

Back to present day.

I’m not sure what the day and evening have in store for us and I really don’t care as long as we get to spend it together.


What is your most memorable anniversary?


Five Reasons I love My Vue brewer

12 Jun

Have you heard about Keurig’s latest technology?

No shocker that I have, when two of my favorite things (Keurig and technology) come together it’s impossible for me not to know about it.

For Mother’s Day Bill got me one of these new brewers and it was love at first sip!

My Life In Mommyland

Here are my top 5 reasons why I’m in love with my Vue Brewer.

  • So many ways to customize your brew. From temperature to size, there are many ways to enjoy your beverages with the Vue. Who knew that water pressure and air flow had anything to do with brewing a good cup of coffee or tea? Keurig did.
  • The Vue Packs are recyclable. No more filling up my trashcan with k-cups. I can just take the coffee or tea with the filter and top out of the plastic cup and recycle. The only thing that goes in the trash now is the filter and the foil top. The plastic cup goes in the recycle bin and the coffee or tea goes in the composter.
  • It tastes so good. I was skeptical at first, I mean how much better could it really be? Would it be worth the extra few cents per cup? ABSOLUTELY!
  • Touch screen. If you know me I shouldn’t have to say any more.

My Life In Mommyland

  • It’s fast. The warm up time is quick and it brews much faster than our old Keurig brewer.

If you already have a Keurig brewer you should know that you can’t use your K-cup packs with the Vue system, the Vue packs are completely different.

As we made the transition from the K-cups to the Vue packs we actually had both brewers on the counter top.

The only downside that I’ve found to the Vue system is that it’s limited in the varieties that are available. With the K-cup system there are over 250 different varieties, the Vue system only has 50. Since we got our Vue brewer in May they have added close to 20 varieties so I’m hopeful that by this time next year we’ll have a lot more to choose from.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated in any way for this post (although I would gladly takes some Vue Packs if Keurig offered them) and all the opinions are my own. I simply wanted to share my love for a wonderful product with all of you. 


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