Tag Archives: workout

How The Peloton App Sparked A Love Of The Treadmill

26 Oct

Disclaimer: The opinions below are mine and mine alone. Peloton has not sponsored this post. However, should they wish to provide me with one of their amazing new treadmills I’d be more than happy to do a whole series on it!

Back in the day when I was running regularly I constantly said I hated the treadmill. It was even one of the 36 (More) Fun Facts About Me (Number 6)! As a road runner, I found the treadmill boring and tedious. The time would fly by out on the road but every step was torture when I had to step on the tread.

Then I stopped running one day. I got dressed and when I went to lace up my shoes I had a full-blown anxiety attack, so I ripped my shoes off and never ran again.

Fast forward a few years

Without running and having a full time desk job, the pounds started sneaking on. I had to do something.

We bought a spin bike that would work with the Peloton iPad app, I tired it a few times but had a hard time getting into it. The bike wasn’t really my thing since I was convinced it was trying to kill me every time I used it.

Then while Bill and I were away for the weekend I tired a Peloton tread workout in the hotel gym. It was love at first step. The instructor was fun and engaging and before I knew it I had finished the class and I felt amazing. We bought a new treadmill on our way home from that very trip.

The instructors

I have yet to find an instructor that I don’t like. They all make you feel like you’re right there in the studio with them. I often find myself talking to them and answering their questions…out loud.

“How you feelin’ Peloton?”


I feel like I know them, they talk about their lives, their families, their pets. In fact, during the height of COVID, I was invited into a few of their homes to take classes (virtually of course).

The instructors inspire me and push me to do better and be better both on and off the tread. I feel like I get more encouragement from the instructors through my iPad than I ever did when I went to actual fitness classes at the gym.

Seriously, these people are the best of the best at what they do!

The classes

There is quite literally something for everyone in the Peloton app. No matter where you are on your fitness journey, there are MANY classes for you to enjoy…BOTH live and on demand.

Oh my God, the live classes! I cannot express how exciting it was when my favorite instructor called my screen name (Mommyland05) out during my 100th class. He even made a comment about what Mommyland might be like, he imagined a Spa being involved. We all know that’s not the case.

Anyway, back to the classes.

The app has a great filtering tool so you can find the workout that fits with not only your ability but your available time.

The app has eleven workout genres so you can be sure to have a well rounded routine. Strength, Yoga, Cardio, Meditation, Running, Outdoor, Cycling, Stretching, Tread Bootcamp, Bike Bootcamp and Walking. Like I said, something for everyone. There are many classes that don’t require any equipment, so even if you don’t have a home gym there is something for you.

The equipment

While I wish I had a Peloton tread, I do not. My bike isn’t a Peloton either. I just can’t find it in me to stomach the price tag of Peloton equipment right now…Maybe someday.

I have a Bowflex tread and weights, and a Schwinn bike and the app works great with all of it. All the same classes and instructors that come with the Peloton equipment come right inside the app. No need to break the bank right away.

The bottom line

The Peloton app gives you world class fitness instructors and thousands of classes right on your tablet, phone or even some streaming devices, all for the more than reasonable price of $12.99 a month.

You also get a great community! You’re able to see the leaderboard and give out high fives to anyone and everyone on it. You can join a group who share your interests as well, just by searching the hashtags. All of the instructors encourage you to follow them on social media and they actually interact with you there.

Right now you can get your first 30 days with the Peloton app for free. Give it a try, what do you have to lose?

Are you already using the app? Tell me who your favorite instructors are!


Mama’s Got A Brand New Bag

9 Jun

i love kickboxing

A punching bag that is.

I’ve been looking for a high impact workout to add to my running and yoga routine but have been a little too intimidated to try many of the classes offered at the Y. I’ve also been way too intimidated to walk into a CrossFit gym. I’m sure the CrossFit people are nice but they seem a little cult like to my ignorant eye.

The place where the boys take karate not only has adult karate classes but they are also an I Love Kickboxing franchise. Our membership allows Bill and I the opportunity to go to kickboxing classes whenever we want. Bill had been going pretty steadily for a while but I never really had an interest (translation: I was too intimidated to go) so I would stay home with my feet up while he went.

A couple weeks ago, with much prodding from both Bill and one of the instructors, I went to my first class.

Oh. My. GOD! It was so much fun. Don’t get me wrong, I worked hard, sweat my ass off and thought I was going to puke when it was all over but I had a blast.

I woke up the day after my first class fully expecting to feel it but all I felt was a little stiff. I went out for a five mile run to kind of stretch myself out and I felt amazing. I was almost shocked since usually a new workout leaves me feeling very sore.

Then it hit me!

I Love Kickboxing

Saturday morning I woke up feeling like I’d been run over by a train, beaten with a bat, set on fire then beaten some more. Even just rolling over in bed was painful. By Saturday afternoon I was completely immobile and in excruciating pain. Bill tired to help by stretch out the sorest of my sore spots but all he accomplished was making me cry.

Sunday I felt a lot better, I was still sore but I didn’t feel like I might explode at any moment. I was beginning to understand why so many people give up on exercise, but I was not going to give up.

When the Monday class rolled around I was there ready for action.

Now that I’ve gotten over that initial shock to my system I’m really in love with the class. I enjoy beating the hell out of something and it’s a challenge for me to push harder and farther every time. It’s also fun because it’s finally a workout that Bill and I can do together which is really nice.

I’m kind of bummed that I’m going to miss this week. Bill will be away and I’m not really ready to go to the class on my own yet. Yeah, I know I’m a sissy.

I double dog dare you to find a class near you and try it out. They’re always running specials for classes so what do you have to lose?

Disclaimer: I was not compensated in anyway for this post. I have enjoyed the class so much that I wanted to share my experience with you and maybe, just maybe inspire you to try something new. 


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