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Larry Gets Lost Review & Giveaway

23 Oct


Larry is an adorable pooch who seems to always get lost and now he’s lost in Philadelphia.

In Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia we follow Larry through some of Philadelphia’s most famous landmarks. More than just a story about Larry and his little boy Pete, the book is full of fun information about all the landmarks that Larry and Pete see.

We’ve made reading Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia a family affair. With a young reader in the house I try to take ever opportunity to keep him reading. Logan, Cameron and I sit together and I read them the story. Then we go back and Cameron reads the facts about all the landmarks. I love that it brings us together to enjoy a story that takes place so close to home.

The artwork is fun and vibrant and really adds to the charm of the book.


If you like Larry you can read about his adventures in Chicago, NYC, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Texas, Alaska, Portland, The Twin Cities, Boston and even Prehistoric Times.

Sasquatch Books has been kind enough to offer one lucky Mommyland reader their own copy of Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia. Want a chance to win? All you have to do is use the widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be notified and announced on November 1, 2013. Good Luck!!

Have you read any of the Larry Gets Lost books? Which ones are in your collection?


The Adventure Aquarium and Mighty Mike

12 Jul

A Summer of Mommyland Adventure

The secret to a successful summer is making sure there’s something to do. During these ridiculously hot months why not take your kids on a indoor adventure that they’ll be talking about for months (and maybe even years) to come?

I love anywhere I can sneak in a little education, so the aquarium is the perfect destination. No matter how many times we go, there is always something new to learn about.

Meet Mighty Mike


Just kidding! This little guy is pretty cute though isn’t he?


That is Mike! He’s a pretty big dude. Just to give you a better idea of how big he is take a look at how he compares to the boys.


We thought this was safer than tossing them in with Mike.

Might Mike is pretty cool and you need to get to the Adventure Aquarium to pay him a visit. You need to hurry if you want to see just how big Mike is, he’s only going to be at the Adventure Aquarium until Labor Day. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Cameron loved talking about Mighty Mike and his “numbers”. Might Mike is 800 pounds. That started the discussion about what things weigh 800 pounds. How many Cameron’s would that be? Mike’s size makes him look like he would be a slow mover but he’s actually capable of reaching speeds of up to 30 MPH in short bursts. I NEED to see that!

Mighty Mike looked so docile just chilling in his exhibit that he almost looked cuddly (in a reptile kind of way). Logan was hip to Mike’s game though and was very uneasy turning his back on him.

More Than Mike.

Sure, Mighty Mike is REALLY cool but there is SOOOOOOOO much more at the Adventure Aquarium to see and do.

What I love about the Adventure Aquarium is that it’s a hands on experience that people of all ages can enjoy. You don’t just look at the creatures, there are many places where you get to interact with them too. Ever touch a shark or a stingray or a sea star? I HAVE! Have you ever gotten to swim with the fishes without getting wet? That’s exactly what Logan got to do.


There are so many amazing things to see at the Adventure Aquarium that it should be at the top of your things to do and do soon list.

I’m still not always comfortable taking the kids on adventures by myself. Traveling the hour by myself to a place I had never been before definitely brought me outside my comfort zone but it was more than worth it for all the fun we had. If you’re holding off a visit to the Adventure Aquarium for when you can go as a family…DON’T. Go, check it out, have a blast with your kids, then bring the hubby back some other time.

When you get back from your visit, stop by and let us know what you thought.

Are you feeling lucky?

The Adventure Aquarium has been kind enough to offer one lucky Mommyland reader a four pack of tickets to go for a visit. It’s easy to enter, just use the widget below. The tickets will be good for one year from the time of issue so even if you’re not from the area feel free to enter as long as you’re going to be visiting in the next year.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for the purposes of this giveaway. No monetary compensation was provided for this post. You know the opinions are all mine. 

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