Tag Archives: marriage

Eleven Years Of Wedded Bliss

13 Feb


Yesterday was my wedding anniversary.

Eleven years?


It feels like yesterday that I was walking down the aisle. But wait, I also can’t remember life before marriage.

I look at how far we’ve come in the past eleven years. Four homes. Two dogs. Two cats. Countless fish. Two kids…who are now BOTH school aged. A business.

It hasn’t always been unicorns and glitter, I think we can both admit that, we’ve had our share of ups and downs like every other couple out there but we stuck it out as a team.

I look at us and what we’ve accomplished both personally and professionally and we are truly and unstoppable team together.

Bill has always come through for me. He’s been there to call me out on my bullshit and indulge my childish side. I know he’d give me the world if it was his to give.

I’m hopeful that he feels the same. I sure do try to be a good wife. I try to make sure he knows I’m here when he needs me. I try hard to be his biggest cheerleader and his number one fan.

This year I’m thankful that a work trip took us to a nice place where we could spend our anniversary in the sun and warmth…NOT WORKING!


The view from dinner on Coronado Island.

Here’s to a lifetime together being our awesome, unstoppable selves.


A love to last a lifetime

23 Jan

January 18th was a special day for my family. Without that day I wouldn’t even exist (oh the horror).

On that day, fifty years ago my parents met for the first time. As the story has been told, it was a basketball game and my mother nearly burt my father’s face off with a “trick” lighter…Whatever the hell that is. After that night, the rest as they say is history.

I’ve known Bill for a little more than eight years and right now fifty years seems so far away. In a world where more than half of all marriages are destine for failure, fifty years together is quite an accomplishment. I’ve had a front row seat for the past thirty some odd years and I can say it wasn’t all good times. I remember more than one argument with swear words and name calling. Even now, fifty years since they first met, and forty five years of marriage they still know how to piss each other off. But what’s more important is that they still know how to love each other.

Sure they drive each other bat shit crazy somedays, but at the end of those days they still love each other and would do anything for each other. My parent’s are a fine example of a love to last a lifetime. It is my most sincerest hope that Bill and I can follow in their footsteps and many, MANY years from now we’ll be celebrating the day we met.

All my love to my amazing parents, here’s to another fifty years!

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