Tag Archives: mommyland

My Low Tech Editorial Calendar

18 Sep

My husband is constantly making fun of me for the way I keep my editorial calendar. He says with all the technology I have, why aren’t I using it?

I love technology, it’s really improved the way I get things done and made me more efficient. Not to mention it’s fun.

Even with my love for all things tech there are still some things that I like to go low tech on and this is one of them. All I do is print a basic calendar right off my printer and fill it in. I know, it doesn’t get much less techie than that.

My Life In Mommyland

Didn’t want to give too much away so I “erased” the rest of the month.

Once a post goes live I mark an X through it.

My goal is to write four posts a week but I don’t always get there. Sometimes the posts that don’t get written simply get moved to a later date or I scrap them all together because they’re not longer relevant. As ideas come to me I get them on the calendar, if I need to I’ll bump something to get a post written sooner. Since I’ve started doing this writing has been a lot easier for me, I’m no longer sitting down staring at a blank screen thinking, “what to write about today?”

I don’t know if I can explain why I like to do it this way, it just works for me. I keep my little calendar on my desk so it’s handy when I sit down to write. Sure there are programs that I could use, there’s even a plugin or two that I could add to my site. I’m even sure there’s an app for that somewhere out there.

The most important thing about an editorial calendar is that it works for you. My way may or may not work for you and that’s ok.

If you’re trying to figure out an editorial calendar that will fit your needs and help you write more consistently, here are a few other ideas. Some of my blogging buddies were kind enough to share what works for them.

Steph from A Grande Life uses a Google Doc to keep all her ideas in order. Check out this great post about her editorial calendar and learn how Steph gets it done.

Shannon of Sweet Stella’s uses a calendar in Word to help her. She writes in her post ideas as she gets them and the date is then highlighted in green. Once the post is written and posted the date is unhighlighted on the calendar.

Barb from A Life In Balance is using a Content Brew Google spreadsheet which she then enters on her MomAgenda calendar which sits on her desk in a cookbook stand.

Crafty Garden Mama Becky uses a Google calendar where she also maps out her blog hops.

From the very low tech editorial calendar like mine to the more advanced like some of these ladies, don’t forget it has to be what works for YOU!

Do you keep an editorial calendar? How do you do it?

Do you think that you’ll try one of these out for your blog?


Apps I Love (Part 2)

17 Sep

My Top 5 iPad Apps.

Last week I shared my top five favorite iPhone apps. Today I’d like to share with you my top five favorite iPad apps. With so many great apps to choose from it’s hard to narrow it down but these are the apps that help me be productive and on top of multipule aspects of my life.

FiOS Mobile

I like this one because it helps me manage my DVR even when I’m not at home. No more forgetting to record my favorite shows. I can also delete recorded shows right from this app incase I need to free up some space on the DVR.

If I don’t want to disturb Bill or the kids by pulling the TV listing up on the TV I can always use the app to see what’s coming on later on my favorite channels. From the TV listings I can get more information about any show, set it to record or even change the channel. I like to sometime change the channel on Bill when I’m not even in the same room.

My Life In Mommyland

Another awesome feature of this app is the remote. It actually pulls the remote control up on the screen and offers full function. I live in a house with a husband and two little boys, the remote goes missing frequently and it’s nice to not have to go on a hunt for it.

My Life In Mommyland


I’ve recently started using this app and so far I really like it. Everything we do online needs a password and it’s getting increasingly more difficult (and it’s not very secure) to use the same password for everything. I like this app because I only need to remember one password and it remembers all the rest for me.

My Life In Mommyland

Not to worry, if your iPad is lost or stolen no one can access all those important passwords without having the password you set for the app.

My Life In Mommyland

Chore Pad HD

I have sung the praised of this app on more than one occasion and I’m still in love. While I’m pretty sure this app was meant primarily for setting up chores for kids, I use it to make sure that my household chores never become overwhelming and that everything gets done in a timely manner.

My Life In Mommyland

By doing a little each day, Chore Pad helps me keep my house in order.


This app has given me the ability to write my blog posts in more places. Since switching from a laptop to a desktop I had become a little less mobile with my blog writing, until this app. Now I can sit on the deck and enjoy a beautiful day while getting posts written. I’ve written while waiting for the kids to get out of activities. I’ve written while out of town.

My Life In Mommyland

BlogPress syncs with my WordPress site and allows me to save drafts locally (just on the iPad) or online. I can start a blog post while waiting for Cameron to get out of his swimming lesson and finish it sitting at my desk after bedtime. It’s really helped me get a little more consistent with my writing.


I have just about every e-reader on my iPad, but iBooks is by far my favorite. The interface is beautiful and more enjoyable than the competition. Sure, they all have the same features but I feel more at home with iBooks.

My Life In Mommyland

I haven’t read a regular book since I got my first iPad. I enjoy reading at night before bed and with a “real” book I needed to keep the lights on and I’d keep Bill awake. Now I can read all night long if I want to, in complete darkness, and not worry about keeping Bill up.

These apps are my favorite because they make my life easier and more efficient. I’m a busy mom and each of these apps helps me save time and probably even more importantly use my time more effectively.

Do you have a favorite iPad app?

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