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Mommyland Happenings {Volume 31}

10 Aug

The boys enjoyed their last week of camp for this summer and I enjoyed a quiet house during the week to get things done.



I came home from work on Sunday to this! My little room almost complete. Of course I wasted no time getting down there for a good workout.

It’s really exciting to have a healthy space and this will make it much easier to make working out a priority.



I feel like this has been the summer of storms. It’s been super humid which sparks these fun pop out thunderstorms. I saw this one coming and thought, “here we go again!”



The mats finally came in for my home gym and Logan was kind enough to test them out with some knuckle push-ups.

I love that the boys enjoy being active. They don’t know it yet but it’s really going to help them stay active as they get older having such a strong foundation. I’m kind of envious because fitness is work for me.



Logan sat on the couch next to me Wednesday morning, snuggled up and asked to take a selfie. I will never say no to that! My sweet cuddly guy.



I am LOVING my new home gym! I get down there everyday to do something since something is better than nothing. Thursday I did a 25 minute speed workout on the elliptical and a quick HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout.

How cool is the workout record my Apple Watch creates? It even shows the weather!



I haven’t shared much of Cooper lately so we’ll end the week with some of him.

Logan forgot his lunch for camp so I took Cooper for a car ride when I dropped it off. He really does love to be in the car.



In my next life I want to come back as a dog like Cooper. A nice comfy couch to sleep on all day and a family who loves him.

That’s my week in a nutshell. I hope you are having a great week so far and that it only gets better.


My Inspiration To Start Running

21 Jul

runspiration-1There is someone special who is responsible for my love of running. Someone who was my inspiration to take those first step. Someone besides me of course.

Since I’m not sure how she’d feel about me using her name we’ll just call her M. I’m wondering how futile it is to hide her identity because anyone I work with will know exactly who I’m talking about, but I’ll do it anyway.

M and I work together at the Y. She’s a really sweet woman who I always enjoy spending time with. Back in 2012, when I was considering the idea of becoming a runner, we worked together a lot and she would always try to convince me that I should run.

It’s great exercise. It’s fun. She named all the reasons why I should just get started and my reply to her was, “when both boys are in school.”

M asked me why I would wait and I had a legitimate reason. Who was going to look after the boys while I was running? Bill was still at the golf course at the time and I couldn’t always depend on his schedule for anything. runspiration-2

But finally M’s words hit home somewhere and I decided to give it a go. I’ll work around the kids and Bill’s crazy work life. I’ll figure it out.

I downloaded the C25K app and started on the track at the Y. I was there mostly because they would watch the boys while I would run and also because I was terrified of the roads.

The longer the distances became, the more running inside became like a chore so when Logan was in preschool I would run through my parent’s neighborhood. It was quiet without much traffic to worry about and that’s when I truly saw what M had been trying to show me all along. Running is awesome. It’s freeing. It’s fun. It’s empowering. It’s everything I needed, mostly because it’s much cheaper than therapy or booze.

runspiration-3Oh and the weight loss was pretty sweet too.

Since I started running I’ve finished quite a few shorter races. I’ve completed The Broad Street Run (10 miler) twice (2013 & 2015) and I’ve completed four half marathons.

M and I talk running just about every time we see each other now and it’s been like that for years. We cheer each other’s progress and achievements and give words of encouragement to get each other through the rough patches.

She is my runspiration and the reason I got started instead of putting it off for years and years. This kind and caring woman will never know how grateful I am for her encouragement to start and all the kind words she spoken to me since. I truly feel that without her influence I wouldn’t have ever started to run.runspiration-4

My dream is to pay it forward. My dream is to give to someone else what M has given to me, the love of a sport and a community that keeps me both physically and mentally healthy.

If I can inspire just one person to start running then I’ll be over the moon excited.

Do you have a person in your life who has inspired you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new?

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