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Mommyland Happenings {Week 28}

18 Jul

Back to the grind this week! We did manage to escape at the end of the week for some fun and relaxation so it all evened out and made the grind more bearable.

The summer days are passing by very fast and very slow all at the same time.



Child labor Sunday. We all pitched in and made a difference around the house.

Cameron mowed part of the lawn, Logan vacuumed, I cleaned and Bill got some stuff done in the garage and outside. We used Sunday to set ourselves up for a productive week.



We’ve really become a karate family. It’s pretty rare that I get to see Bill on the mat since I’m usually home when he takes his Hapkido class. As I was waiting for the boys after their class Bill started his, he’s the one in the gray. He enjoys the class and has learned a lot of real world self defense techniques.

Martial arts isn’t just for the kids!



I was chained to my desk most of the day on Tuesday. To help me focus on what I needed to accomplish, I had the diffuser going with my Attention oil.

I left the office Tuesday exhausted but feeling accomplished.



I had a little mid-week fun. My friend invited me to go see Bob Dylan Wednesday night. The evening included an amazing dinner and the concert. I’m pretty indifferent to Bob Dylan but I’m not going to pass up the opportunity to see a living legend live.

This was the view from where we had dinner and the photo doesn’t even come close to doing it justice.



Thursday was the last day for Cameorn’s STEM camp and it ended with a demonstration for the parents and certificate ceremony. This is Cameron shaking the district superintendent’s hand as he received his certificate.

The camp was offered through the district and it was fantastic. Cameron and his small team designed, built and programmed a robot. Cameron’s interest in STEM is going to lead to great things for him, I can feel it!



After Thursday’s STEM camp wrap up we hit the road for Maryland. Friday was our day at Ocean City, complete with bike riding on the boardwalk, lunch at our favorite spot, The Dough Roller, and go karts.

When we finished our bike ride we were are super sweaty and Logan was so sweaty that he could make his hair stand straight up. GROSS!

We ended our day with pizza for the boys and a romantic dinner for two at a the Waterman’s Inn in Crisfield for me and Bill.



Saturday we spent a little time at the pool before hitting the road for our three hour journey home. It really sucks to have to be at work on Sunday mornings.

Cooper sat with me. Can you tell he was bored out of his mind and ready to be home and out of the car already?

Another busy summer week coming up here in Mommyland. How is your summer treating you so far?


Mommyland Happenings {Week 27}

11 Jul

Well that was a long break I took. Forgive me readers, it’s been 53 days since my last post. The funk has taken over and I just didn’t feel like sitting at my computer any longer than absolutely necessary, so after I’d finish my regular work I’d move on.

I’m hopeful that I can slowly work this blog back into my daily routine, that’s not to say you’ll see something new daily, but hopefully it will become a priority again.

I figured a good way to get back into it was with Mommyland Happenings. It’s a fun post for me to put together and I hope it’s a fun post for you to take a look at.

So without further adieu, here is what last week here in Mommyland looked like.



You know you’ve been having a great vacation when the kids fall asleep on the way to Ocean City.

We relaxed most of the day and made the trip into Ocean City in the late afternoon to catch dinner, some fun and the boardwalk. What is usually a 45 minute trip from our happy place on the bay took two hours with all the holiday traffic. That gave the boys plenty of time to rest up before their fun night out.



Ok full disclosure, this photo is not from the actual 4th of July, BUT it was from the 4th of July fireworks in Crisfield.

The weather was kind of crappy on Monday and we spent so much time relaxing that neither Bill or I took a single photo. Thankfully the weather cleared up enough for us to do hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and enjoy dinner with my sister and her family. After dinner the boys played (rough) while the adults chatted and before long it was time for bed.



Yet another example of a great vacation. When you have a three hour drive home, any time the kids spend sleeping and not fighting is sweet music to my ears.

We had a great time in Crisfield but it was nice to come home.



We came home and got to do some more celebrating! We celebrated Cooper being part of our family for a year on Wednesday. Here’s to many more years with my furry sidekick.

Don’t let the photo fool you, he loves hugs from mommy.



Back home and back to eating better. I had to be at work by 8:30 but I had to get office work finished before I left. I started my day with a blueberry and oatmeal smoothie, green tea and water. The smoothie kept me full and focused, the water kept me hydrated and the tea gave me the boost I needed to get ‘er done.



Sometimes I sit and watch the boys at karate and sometimes I go down the road to Victory and enjoy a beer. Friday was a beer kind of day.

After karate we grabbed a quick bite with our little ninjas.



Cooper has been with us for a year now and his relationship with Nittany has been less than positive. It’s been so bad that she’s pretty much banished herself to various remote parts of the house. Saturday was a big day here in Mommyland where she actually come out of hiding and into the open.

He nipped at her, she bitch slapped him and they went about coexisting in the family room. It is not an easy friendship, but it’s progress. I’m still hopeful that one day they will actually be good buddies and maybe Nittany can come sleep with us again.

Not a bad week at all. Having the holiday on Monday was a nice way to reenter into life after vacation.

I hope you have a fantastic week!

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