Tag Archives: fun facts

36 (More) Facts About Me

26 Mar

36 fun facts

It’s that time of year again, my birthday. In keeping with a tradition, now in it’s fifth year, I will share 36 things about myself for my 36th birthday.


1) When I drink a Starbucks latte I need to have the cup lined up. Drink hole over the star, stars on the cup and sleeve in line.

36 fun facts

2) Even with all the technology I have, there are things I prefer to use paper for. My editorial calendar and my SM planning are two of them.

3) Since I started running I’ve run 1,427 miles. Considering this is my third year running I don’t think that’s so great.

4) I prefer to run in the winter.

5) I sweat like a wild beast when I run.

6) I hate treadmills! Give me the open road!

7) I spit (a lot) when I run.

8) I tried Brussels sprouts for the first time when I was 35 and I LOVE them!

9) I thought I wasn’t a dog person until I got a little dog. I’m totally a Yorkie girl! Love my Cooper!


10) I swore I would never go back to school but I ended up going back to get a professional certification.

11) I weigh and track about 95% of what I eat.

12) I wear an AppleWatch AND a Fitbit. People ask me all the time why and they always look at me funny when I explain my unwillingness to give up all the data I have with Fitbit.

13) My Durango is the first car I’ve ever had that I didn’t get sick of after a few years. I love The Beast.

14) This was the year I got into essential oils.

15) I have very little patience and am very easy to anger or get frustrated.

16) I have to chew gum when I workout. Running, yoga or anything in between, I need to have gum in my mouth.

17) I once had a yoga instructor make me spit my gum out in her hand.

18) I don’t wear a helmet when I ride a bike. Never have and I probably never will.

19) I FINALLY (after more than 20 years) got to see Chris Cornell live.

36 fun facts

20) My favorite beer is Blue Moon.

21) I make a daily to do list because I only feel like I accomplished something if I can check it off.

22) I hate to workout at night.

23) Whenever I hear a UPS or FedEx truck pull up the driveway I always run to the door to see if they’re coming to my house.

24) We share a driveway with the neighbor who hates me.

25) I have never read the Bible.

26) I would like this to be the year I finally lose the weight I’ve been trying to lose.

27) I love to listen to Cooper snore but Bill’s snoring makes me want to smother him with a pillow.

28) I hate surprises.

29) Skinny Caramel Lattes are my favorite.

30) I call Saturday Sleep In Saturday because it’s the only day of the week that I don’t have to have an alarm set.

31) I cried when Derek Shepherd (Grey’s Anatomy) died. Like the UGLY cry.

32) I love IKEA.

33) I HATE to talk on the phone (except if it’s Bill or my parents).

34) I have an astigmatism.

35) I wear contacts to help correct my astigmatism.

36) I think sharing my birthday with Easter kind of sucks.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better. If you’d like to catch up on the past four years of fun facts, you can find them below.






35 Fun Facts About Me

27 Mar

35 fun facts

Today I turn 35. There will not be much fanfare, it’ll be just another day. In fact, there probably won’t even be cake.

The boys have an event at karate and I have a big race coming up so there probably won’t be too much celebrating. Oh well, Spring Break is just around the corner so I’ll have a week to celebrate my entrance into this world.

There is one tradition that I wanted to keep going and that’s sharing some “fun” facts about me with all of you. So in celebration of my 35th birthday I give you 35 facts about me.

1) When I travel by air my feet swell.

2) Much like a dog, I sweat from my feet.

3) I add chia seeds to my cereal, oatmeal and smoothies.

4) I chat with my three closest friends, in one group chat everyday and have for as long as I can remember.

5) Out of those three friends, I’ve only met two of them in person once and the third I’ve never met.

6) I’m socially awkward.

7) I can make a mean meatloaf.

8) My favorite wine is cabernet.

9) I spent most of the past year recovering from an injury and subsequent ankle surgery.

10) I’ve had two surgeries in my life.

11) The other one was my appendix.

12) Both of my surgeries happened in the month of July.

13) My name was supposed to be Molly but my father vetoed that.

14) I love green tea.

15) I like to run alone. For me running isn’t social, it’s the one thing that I do just for me. It’s my time to clear my head and get myself centered.

16) I don’t enjoy cooking.

17) I was born in Wisconsin.

18) I lived in five different cities by the time I was eight.

19) I’m a lover of all things Apple.

20) Currently I have two paying jobs, one at the Y and the other as the Social Media Director for Turf Republic.

21) I have worked for Bill on two separate occasions doing two different jobs.

22) I’m not a morning person.

23) I’m not a night owl either.

24) I only put one space after a period.

25) I don’t eat anything that comes from the water.

26) I only wear Tifosi sunglasses.

27) I yell a lot more than I’d like.

28) My self-esteem is far lower now than it was before I had the boys.

29) I am proficient at operating a snow blower.

30) My favorite TV show is Castle.

31) I’ve been to France.

32) I do not speak French. In fact, the only language I do speak is English.

33) I’ve recorded every episode of General Hospital for as long as I’ve had a DVR to record it on.

34) I value my sleep over many other things in life because I am a mess without it.

35) I am either ultra organized with things or a mess, there is no in-between. Sometimes the things I have organized become a mess and the mess becomes organized.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me.

Get caught up my other birthday Fun Facts:

Happy 32nd Birthday

Happy 33rd Birthday

Happy 34th Birthday

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