Tag Archives: Preschool

My baby is in preschool!

17 Sep

My baby goes to preschoolThis past week has brought more changes for our house. In addition to the adventures in bus riding that Cameron had, Logan started preschool.

It’s official, there are no more babies in my house. Where, oh where has the time gone that my baby, my little tiny baby is now a preschooler? It seems like just yesterday he was sitting in his infant carrier while I dropped Cameron off at preschool. Now Cameron is riding a bus to Kindergarten and Logan is jumping out of the car to go to preschool.

So big and independent, he wouldn’t even let mommy snap a few pictures of him before I dropped him off. Isn’t that like a mother’s right or something, to take as many pictures as she deems necessary on the first day of school? Logan wanted no parts of it…Little stinker! I let it slide since I’d rather have the memories of him smiling as he heads off to school than pictures of him pissed off.

So off he went on his first day, without even looking back. As I pulled out of the parking lot the first thing I noticed was how quiet the car was. There was no little voice coming from the backseat asking where we were heading next. There was no crying. There was no laughing. Only the sound of a local radio station’s morning show.

A few hours later, Logan was all smiles as he was brought out to the car. His teacher told me that he did great and that he is adorable (like I didn’t already know that).

So this is it, another school year has started and it has taken with it both my babies. What’s a mother to do? For those of you thinking, have another baby…Hush!!! This mama has her hands full enough already without adding sleepless nights with a crying infant. Not to mention, I’m hoping to be done with diaper in the near future.

Have you sent the last of your babies off to school? Was it as bittersweet for you as it was for me?

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