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The Mommyland Farm (Volume 19)

18 Jul

The return of my four legged foes.

The squirrels, groundhogs and rabbits have finally lost interest in the garden…I think. I haven’t seen them in there for a while anyway.

Of course it’s never as easy as they lose interest and the woodland creatures stop eating my garden. Nope, it never works like that. The small furry creatures lost interest and the deer have made a come back.

My Life In Mommyland

There used to be more plant there.

Our tomato plants are huge and they are close to the fence on the one side. It’s the perfect hight for the deer to reach their long necks over the fence and nibble away on my tomatoes. SERIOUSLY?!?

First the mama stopped by for a snack, then she brought her babies.


My Life In Mommyland

Mmmm, tasty leaves.

I’m seriously considering electrifying the fence for next year. Come near my garden and ZAP! you’re knocked into next week.

Thankfully it would appear that they haven’t done too much damage (yet) and I’ve been chasing them away whenever I catch them out there. I’m still wishing I could handle the air riffle, a little shot to the butt would probably do the trick. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to keep yelling at them like a crazy person and running out into the yard.

Do you have pesky woodland creatures making a meal out of your garden? What are you doing to keep them away?


The Mommyland Farm (Volume 18)

12 Jul

Let the harvest begin.

My Life In Mommyland

That’s right, we’ve gotten the first big haul from the garden. Sure, we’ve have a cherry tomato here and there, all of which Logan promptly ate. This week was the first time we’ve been able to pull a lot in.

This week we’ve been enjoying our peppers, tomatoes and even a couple of eggplant. Bill made a pasta salad over the weekend with the peppers and tomatoes that was nothing short over amazing.

The peppers are so full of flavor that they put the ones at the grocery store to shame. I guess there really is something to pulling them off the plant, bringing them inside, chopping them up and eating them.

Our peppers are smaller than the ones the grocery store has to offer but we have a lot of them.

When we planted the garden we thought we had red, yellow and green peppers but everything is green and nothing is changing color. I was looking forward to all those beautiful colors but I’m not going to complain because they taste great and that’s all I really care about.

The beefsteak tomatoes have finally started to redden up and we had the pleasure of enjoying a few. Again, they aren’t as pretty as the ones you see at the store but they taste great so I don’t care what they look like.

Gardening has reenforced the valuable lesson that you shouldn’t judge something by it’s appearance. They’re not all very pretty to look at but they taste great!

How is your garden coming along? Have you started enjoying the fruit (and veggies) of your labor?

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