Tag Archives: New Year

Bringing in the New Year

1 Jan

Welcome 2012!

I’m not really a resolution kind of girl. I feel like making New Year’s Resolutions is just a good way to set myself up for failure. I think it’s just that word…Resolution. It’s kind of intimidating to me for some reason.

As a way to start fresh this new year, I’m setting goals. Things I’d like to accomplish. Sure it’s kind of the same thing, except I’m not going to beat the crap out of myself if I don’t follow through.

My GOALS for the New Year:

Get my house in order. I’ve made a bit of headway in this department last year, but I still have room for improvement. There are still boxes in the basement that need to be unpacked…That WILL happen this year! Not only will I attempt to organize the clutter, I will work to keep a tidy house (HA), which includes keeping my desk so I can actually see the top (double HA).

Eat better. 2011 was the year for trying some new foods and I liked almost everything I tried. 2011 was also the year for growing our own vegetable garden, and 2012 will be the year of expansion for that garden. I’m not going to deprive myself of the things I love (the junk food), but I will try to eat less of the crappy stuff and more of the good for me stuff.

Make exercise a part of my life. This is another one I started on in 2011. I’m hoping that in 2012 I can build consistency and stay on the wagon. If you’d like a workout buddy to help keep you accountable I’d be more than happy to be your buddy either virtually or in real life.

Be more fiscally responsible. I will pay my bills on time and this will be the year we get out of debt. I will work hard to control my impulse buying and work even harder to save money on the things I do buy.

Blog more consistently. I love to write about my life. It helps me to laugh at the things that would normally make me cry and to feel less alone out here as a wife and stay at home mom. I enjoy sharing the good, the bad, the ugly and the stinky with all of you. I’m pretty sure this was a goal from last year too, but I really want to make it happen this year and get into a more consistent blogging routine.

Be a better mom. This is probably the most important one for this year. I’m one of those mean mommies, I yell A LOT and I don’t want to be that way anymore. I want my kids to look back on their childhood and remember it fondly. I don’t want them to remember a mom who yelled all the time and was always in a bad mood. I started this one already too and on the days when I can control my temper and not yell I feel so much more relaxed at the end of the day. I want to have fun with my boys, not scream at them all day. Calm assertive energy. Sound familiar? I got it from The Dog Whisperer. Kids and dogs, they’re almost the same…Right?

I’m pretty excited about the year ahead, I think it has potential to be a great one…Especially if I can achieve all my goals. Wish my luck.

With that I’m wishing all of you a Happy New Year. I hope that the year ahead is everything you want (and need) it to be and that you too can achieve all your goals.

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