Tag Archives: photo a day

Mommyland Happenings {Volume 12}

28 Mar

We enjoyed Spring Break in Maryland. It wasn’t even close to warm but we made the most of the week and had a lot of fun.



Logan was still using training wheels. The poor kid was terrified of the two wheeler and it wasn’t until we offered him a new bike that he decided it was time to ditch the training wheels. His bike had gotten too small for him anyway.

One push and he was off like he’d been on two wheels for years. Moments after this photo was taken we left to buy him a new bike.



Logan with his brand new bike. The kid was so excited and proud to have a bike with real gears and hand breaks.

It’s nice that he can keep up with the rest of us now.



We took the boys to ride on a trail at the local YMCA in Maryland. I was jealous when I saw this giant slip and slide. I’m sure it’s totally dangerous but it looks totally fun. The photo doesn’t do justice to the size of the thing.



We spent Wednesday in OCMD. We rode bikes on the boardwalk, played laser tag, mini golf, and ate yummy pizza.

Of course we stopped at my favorite brewery for a tasting and a growler to take home. I love the sign they have on their bathroom door.



Before he hit the road for home we went on one last family bike ride. Of course the nicest day of the week was the day we left.



I have a water bottle addiction. I LOVE the S’well bottles but they’re so expensive. Luckily they make a less expensive version that’s sold at Target. I think I’ll be going back for a few more styles.



The boys had their belt testing on Saturday. Logan (top) received his green belt and Cameron (bottom, little person in the back) received his brown belt. I’m so proud of how well the boys did. We love karate!

Another busy week that flew right by.

How was your week?


Mommyland Happenings {Volume 10}

14 Mar

I struggled with motivation again last week but it wasn’t all bad. I started running again and I put a plan in motion to get my eating back on track.



I can be kind of an asshole sometimes. In my defense, I did need to get to work and this family didn’t speak Starbuckese and they ordered food as well as drinks.

I grabbed my triple Venti before they were even finished ordering.



Poor Cooper was long overdue for a haircut. He got lucky this week when I called to make his appointment and they said they could take him right away.

I think he looks like a puppy now.



I really enjoy my Yogi teas and their inspirational sayings. As I sipped my bedtime tea, this is what it was telling me.

This is definitely something I need to work or…especially with the kids.



Along with replacing one meal a day with a shake I’ve started using these Meal Prep Haven cups. Bill ordered them as a little surprise for me and I have to say I really like them.

I think I’m going to do a little review of them in the coming weeks so stay tuned.



My first run since February and my longest run since, wait for it, May 27th. I have a half marathon coming up in early April so I think it’s about time I get my ass in gear.



Why can’t I be one of those runners who finishes a run looking awesome? I look like I’ve been to hell and back. No, I was not being dragged behind a bus.

It has been much warmer than it should be for early March so maybe I need to get acclimated to the temperature.



Cooper has been working hard on his off the leash training this week. For the most part he’s been a good boy. We worked on The Mommyland Farm Saturday and I let him hangout with us while we worked. I think all that fresh air wore him out.

Another week in the books!

This week promises to be a challenge since the boys have four days of half days, but all my hard work will be rewarded with Spring Break at the end of it.

I hope you have a fantastic week!

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