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Nature’s Promise Review & Giveaway

6 Apr

Nature's Promise Organics

Disclaimer: I was provided Nature’s Promise products free of charge from Giant Food Stores. While the products were provided to me for the purpose of this review all the opinions are my own. 

Giant was kind enough to send me a great variety of products to try out, everything from spices and condiments to snacks and cleaning supplies. While eating organic isn’t necessarily a priority for us, we try to eat clean. I like foods with short ingredient lists and words I can actually read. We enjoy things that aren’t full of a lot of chemicals and artificial ingredients.

What I like about the Nature’s Promise products is that they don’t break the bank. Many people don’t try organic and natural products because they feel they can’t afford to, well Giant makes it possible for everyone to feed their families better and use more responsible products in our homes.

Let me share a few of my favorites with you.

Nature's Promise Organics

Say hello to my afternoon snack. Chocolate animal cookies and peanut butter. If you are accustomed to JIF or Skippy, the Nature’s Promise Organic Peanut Butter might through you off. First, it separates. There is a thin layer of oil on the top that needs to be stired in. If you’re not used to a natural peanut butter you might find it a little bland. All that goes into making a jar of Nature’s Promise Organic Peanut Butter is organic peanuts and sea salt. That’s it! No sugar, no hydrogenated oils, this is peanut butter in it’s purest form.

Nature's Promise Organics

I have never had chocolate animal cookies before and I have to say, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?

Together these two make a great snack.


Nature's Promise OrganicsAnother great afternoon snack is Greek yogurt and Nature’s Promise Berry & Flax Ganola. Add a little honey and stir for pure perfection and that much needed afternoon crunch.

I was also given the opportunity to try out some non-food items from the Nature’s Promise Free From line.


The hand soap was something that I needed to warm up to. The first time I used it I missed my hand entirely because it’s very watery so firm pressure on the pump sends it flying. Despite being watery, it cleans well and smells great. Another BIG plus for me is that it doesn’t dry out my hands.

This hand soap is free from from artificial fragrances, dyes, harsh chemicals, paragon, sulfate, triclosan and phthalates. It has a relatively short ingredient list that includes plant extracts.

Nature's Promise Organics

My favorite test item was the candle! My only gripe is that I wish it was bigger. This plant based candle smells like summer. The candles I usually burn are the big, three wick kind so I wasn’t expecting much from this little 4oz candle. Boy was I surprised! Before long my house was filled with the summery scent.

Being free from the chemicals and artificial fragrances and dyes makes me feel better about burning in the house with the kids and animals.

Other products I tried (and enjoyed):

  • Free From Toilet Paper
  • Cinnamon
  • Italian spices
  • Agave nectar
  • Spinach
  • All Purpose Cleaner

I’d love for you to try out some of the more than 800 different Nature’s Promise products and Giant would like to make it easier for you to just that. One lucky winner will receive a $25 Giant gift card.

It’s easy to enter, simply use the widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mommyland Happenings {Volume 13}

4 Apr

What started out as a pretty decent week quickly turned on me. It started with birthday fun and ended sick in bed.



I shared my birthday with Easter this year. Instead of dinner at home I asked to go out. I had asked to go to Outback (since we had to take the kids) but the boys surprised me with a trip to my favorite place, The Melting Pot. There were lots of smiles and laughs, it was the prefect birthday.



The week continued on a high note when the boys came home from school with their spring photos. I think these are probably the best school pictures I’ve ever seen.

Seriously though, when did my babies get so grown up?



I can’t remember the last time I read an actual book made of paper, I usually read on my iPad. When Bill brought this (autographed) book home from the original Starbucks store I thought I’d give it a read.

It’s really good! It’s a business book that reads more like a best seller. As soon as I started reading it I saw so many parallels to our business that I told Bill he should read it too.



Since I had to be at work early Thursday morning I needed to get my Thursday work out of the way Wednesday night.

When this photo was taken I wasn’t feeling very well and an hour later I felt like death and needed to find someone willing to work for me. Little did I know what was to come.



I spent most of Thursday wishing for death. As I consulted my WebMD app I realized that I probably had the flu. In a desperate attempt at some relief I rolled this bad boy all over.



I went to the doctor Friday and it was confirmed, I have the flu. I will never skip my flu shot again.

Thankfully I have my little buddy to keep me company because being sick is very lonely when you don’t want to get anyone else in your house sick too. Cooper has been at my side the entire time, it’s like he knows I don’t feel well so he here for me.



God help me! We took the kids to Target to pick out something they would like and Logan got his hands on a Despicable Me “Fart Gun”. He was dancing in the aisle making fart noises before finally doing this.

If you don’t have little boys in your life, this is what it sometimes looks like.

It was a long, tough week and I look forward to having a much better week this week. Hopefully I’ll start feeling a little more like myself and be able to catch up on everything I didn’t accomplish last week.

I hope you have a spectacular week.

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